2025. március 16.
CEACM awards for colleagues
The Scientific Committee of the Central European Association for Computational Mechanics (CEACM) has made a decision on the CEACM Prof. Mang Award at its annual meeting at the end of February. We are proud to announce that one of the awardees this year is Dr János Lógó, professor of the Department of Structural Mechanics. In the same session, the Young Researcher Award was given to Hussein Ismail, a former PhD student of our Department, in recognition of his thesis defended in 2024.

János Logo, CEACM Prof. Mang Award

Hussein Ismail, 3rd CEACM Best Thesis Award
The Central European Association for Computational Mechanics (CEACM), has attributed newly created CEACM Awards to honor active researchers from CEACM partner countries, regrouping (in alphabetical order): Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovakia and Slovenia. This year, the meeting was held in late February 2025. Three different types of awards are given by CEACM. In particular, the senior scientists are honored by CEACM Prof. Mang Award, the established scientists by CEACM Computational Mechanics Award and young researchers by CEACM Best Thesis Awards.
The CEACM Prof. Mang Award is the highest honor attributed by CEACM. It is named after the association founding father Herbert Mang, Professor at TU Wien, and its first President 1992-99. The CEACM Prof. Mang Award is bestowed each year to honor an outstanding individual who has demonstrated sustained efforts in advancing either theoretical or practical aspects of computational mechanics and who provided strong leadership either in academic environment or in different industrial applications. This award was given for the first time in 2022 and since then every year to two CEACM members. The CEACM scientific board again decided this year to attribute two Prof. Mang Awards to distinguished colleagues who have contributed to a large extent to many CEACM activities and served as representatives to IACM or ECCOMAS associations. The first award is given to János Logo, Professor of Civil Engineering at University of Budapest, who has taken this year the CEACM President position. The second award is given to internationally recognized colleague, Miloš Kojić, Professor Emeritus of Mechanical Engineering at University of Kragujevac, who created the Serbian Association for Computational Mechanics in 2006 and ever since served as its President.
The board also decided the CEACM Computational Mechanics award for the established scientists, which is attributed for the first time in 2023. The CEACM Computational Mechanics Award is bestowed to honor exceptional individual contributions not only to traditional but also to broader fields of interest to Computational Mechanics that reached notoriety within the region and internationally. The winner this year is Marko Čanađija, Professor of Mechanical Engineering at University of Rijeka. Marko is recognized for his numerous scientific contributions and currently serves as the President of Croatian Society of Mechanics.
The CEACM Scientific Board finally attributed a Young Researcher Award, which was created by CEACM to honor an exceptional contribution of a young scientist, who has completed his/her doctoral thesis in the broad field of Computational Mechanics within the year of the award call. This year, CEACM Scientific Board decided to give three such awards in different domains of Computational Mechanics. The first award winner is Malte Rolf-Pissarczyk, who completed his thesis supervised by Prof. Gerhard Holzapfel at TU Graz in the domain of Biomechanics. This thesis is also nominated by CEACM for the ECCOMAS Best Thesis Award 2024 competition. Two other Young Researcher Awards are attributed to theses that were carried as jointdoctorates with France and Italy: one to Gabrijela Grozdanić, who completed her thesis co-supervised by Prof. Mirela Galić at University of Split and other to Hussein Ismail, who completed his thesis co-supervised by Prof. János Logo at University of Budapest. All the winners will be awarded with a stipend to cover the participation cost in ECCOMAS MSF 2025, which is this year’s CEACM special interest conference.
ECCOMAS MSF 2025 (which stands for: Int. Conference on Computational Methods for Solids and Fluids) is already 7 th in a long series of meeting, which is this year jointly organized by University of Split and UT Compiegne-Alliance Sorbonne University. The ECCOMAS MSF 2025 meeting will take place in a beautiful coastal town of Split, June 25-27, 2025. It is featuring the plenary lectures by distinguished speakers: Professors Alvaro Coutinho, Charbel Farhat, Christian Hellmich, Adnan Ibrahimbegovic, Mahmood Jabareen, Pierre Ladeveze and Paulo Pimenta, along with this year’s winners of CEACM Prof. Mang Awards: Professors Miloš Kojić and János Logo. The MSF 2025 conference program will integrate 11 organized Mini-Symposia with keynotes on many different topics in the domain. More information is given at the meeting website: https://ceacm.net/msf-2025/.
(URL: https://ceacm.net)
(reported by Prof. Adnan Ibrahimbegovic)